According to Fraenkel, Wallen and Hyun (2012), there are six steps in literature review
The first step to literature review is to define the problem as precisely as possible. This is because if the problem statement is too broad, it would become too fuzzy in finding the suitable and appropriate general reference. Therefore, the questions of interest should be narrowed down to specific area of concern.
Secondary sources: secondhand information, such as description of historical events by someone not present when the event occurred.
- encyclopedia of educational research
- handbook of research on teaching
- national society for the study of education
- review of educational research
- review of research in education
- subject guide to books in print (current edition)
- Malaysian Education Blueprint (this could also be considered as the secondary source)
Primary sources: firsthand information, such as testimony of an eyewitness, an original document, a relic, or a description of a study written by the person who conducted it.
- journals
- dissertations or thesis
It is very important to put citation in literature review and to paraphrase the sentences in order to avoid plagiarism. Normally, the references and citation in literature review follows the APA style of referencing.
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